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Nikki Haley Warns Iran Of Severe Consequences If It Attacks Us Interests

**Nikki Haley warns Iran of ‘severe consequences’ if it attacks US interests**

Former UN Ambassador says the US will not tolerate aggression from Tehran

Haley's comments come after a series of threats from Iran in response to the killing of Qasem Soleimani

Former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has warned Iran of "severe consequences" if it attacks US interests.

Haley's comments came in an interview with Fox News on Sunday, in which she said that the US will not tolerate aggression from Tehran.

"The Iranian regime is a threat to the United States and to our allies in the region," Haley said. "We cannot allow them to continue their aggressive behavior without consequences."

Haley's comments come after a series of threats from Iran in response to the killing of Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps' Quds Force, in a US airstrike in Baghdad on January 3.

Iran has vowed to avenge Soleimani's death, and has threatened to target US interests in the region.

The US has deployed additional troops to the region in response to the threats, and has warned Iran that it will not tolerate any attacks on its interests.

The situation between the US and Iran remains tense, and there is concern that the two countries could be on the brink of war.

Trump administration weighs military options

The Trump administration is weighing military options against Iran, the New York Times reported on Sunday.

The Times reported that the administration is considering a range of options, including airstrikes, cyberattacks, and covert operations.

The Times also reported that the administration is considering a "decapitation strike" that would target Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

However, the Times cautioned that the administration is still weighing its options and has not yet made a decision on whether to take military action.

Biden calls for de-escalation

Former Vice President Joe Biden has called for de-escalation in the tensions between the US and Iran.

Biden said in a statement on Sunday that the US should not be "rushing to war" with Iran.

Biden also said that the US should be working with its allies to find a diplomatic solution to the crisis.

Grassley calls for tough stance

Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) has called for the US to take a tough stance against Iran.

Grassley said in a statement on Sunday that the US should "not be afraid to use military force" if necessary to deter Iran from attacking US interests.

Grassley also said that the US should work with its allies to impose tough sanctions on Iran.

The Republican Party's view

The Republican Party generally supports a tough stance against Iran.

The Republican Party platform calls for the US to "confront the Iranian regime and its nuclear ambitions."

The Republican Party also supports the Trump administration's decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.

The Democratic Party's view

The Democratic Party generally supports a more diplomatic approach to Iran.

The Democratic Party platform calls for the US to "engage with Iran diplomatically and work with our allies to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon."

The Democratic Party also supports the Iran nuclear deal.

The FBI's role

The FBI is investigating possible Iranian threats to US interests.

The FBI is working with other federal agencies to assess the threat and to identify potential targets.

The FBI is also working with law enforcement partners in the region to share intelligence and to coordinate security measures.
